

  • 惊悚 冒险 灾难 
  • 袁福福 施南 杨金赐 贾子宸 那朵 李从喜 马赛 裕东 魏蓝天 李伟龙 王智琦 王馨瑶 
  • 在一个荒岛上以求生探秘为主题的真人秀剧组,在岛上遭遇了种种危机后,在退伍军人曹越的带领下,躲过虫潮,与寄居蟹斗智斗勇,与古巨蜥魔龙进行生死较量的艰难过程。在众人与巨蜥的斗争过程中,曹越虽然在剧组做着最在一个荒岛上以求生探秘为主题的真人秀剧组,在岛上遭遇了种种危机后,在退伍军人曹越的带领下,躲过虫潮,与寄居蟹斗智斗勇,与古巨蜥魔龙进行生死较量的艰难过程。在众人与巨蜥的斗争过程中,曹越虽然在剧组做着最底层的工作,却在灾难来临时站了出来,勇敢与古巨蜥做斗争的同时,也向傲慢的西方专家展现了面对大自然的灾难时,个人英雄只能逞一时之勇,只有内部的团结才能做到真正的共克时艰。他谨守军人的职业,保护众人免遭危险,最终与队友合力战胜了古巨蜥,此举不仅突出了团结就是力量的重要性,展现出了中华民族在面对灾难时,不屈不挠众志成城的抗争精神,更是展现了在面对难以战胜的自然力量时,人类从未放弃抵抗,胜利终将属于我们。
  • 惊悚 冒险 灾难 
  • 袁福福 施南 杨金赐 贾子宸 那朵 李从喜 马赛 裕东 魏蓝天 李伟龙 王智琦 王馨瑶 
  • This was the crew of a reality show that focused on survival and expedition on a deserted island. ThThis was the crew of a reality show that focused on survival and expedition on a deserted island. The crew encountered all kinds of dangers, and with the lead of an ex-soldier Cao Yue, they escaped from a swarm of bugs, battled with the hermit crab, and fought against the ancient varanus priscus with their lives. During the struggle, Cao Yue, who did the most basic job in the crew, came forward in the face of danger. He fought bravely against the varanus priscus, and showed the arrogant western experts that to deal with natural disasters, individualistic heroism is only a temporary solution. What could truly help overcome difficulties is the spirit of unity.
  • 犯罪 
  • 王宇泽 秦鸣悦 贾子宸 曹蕴 
  • 拍卖师秦羽生因被挚爱设计陷害而卷入一场暗局,遭人追击。走投无路的秦羽生服毒自杀,没想到绝处逢生,意外来到5年后,成为豪门二公子虞正业,而让他始料未及的是,5年前的拍卖其实就是虞家的一个阴谋,且在阴谋背拍卖师秦羽生因被挚爱设计陷害而卷入一场暗局,遭人追击。走投无路的秦羽生服毒自杀,没想到绝处逢生,意外来到5年后,成为豪门二公子虞正业,而让他始料未及的是,5年前的拍卖其实就是虞家的一个阴谋,且在阴谋背后,还因巨额遗产有着一场更为缜密的暗局。尔虞我诈之中,秦羽生再次服下“毒药”,时间游戏正式开启……